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Professional Business Consulting

Take Your Business To New Heights

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We assist you in building your business  from plans to enterprise.


We assist to structure your enterprise for sustenance and growth.



We assist to protect your enterprise and self, from legal and financial liabilities.

Charge Forward

Uddip Demystifield…

Uddip is a synergy between two contrasting yet synchronous philosophies of its two founders. The name “uddip” itself holds two separate meaning as relevant to the role it is playing. The first meaning which “UDDIP” represents is as an acronym, which is for “User Driven Development of Intellectual Property”. This philosophy focuses on the aspect of understanding, validating and protecting the Intellectual Property (IP) assets which individuals and organizations develop in the course of their personal endeavors. Only when an individual is capable of protecting and exploiting its IP assets that it can truly leverage the true potential of their work.

The other philosophy which drives its second meaning is relevant to the roots of the name “uddip”. In Sanskrit the name “uddip” means giving light or sharing light or brightening the surrounding. This philosophy focuses on the fact that true growth happens only when individual and organizations collaborate and collectively work towards betterment of the world we live in. Brighten up the lives and society by sharing, supporting and enabling holistic growth. This philosophy dwells deep into the belief that entrepreneurship is a way to build better futures and it requires collaborative efforts to be successful.

What We Can Do For You!

Enterprise Creation

What’s better than a great Idea?

A plan to convert the great Idea into an action plan for execution.

​We assist dreamers to structure their ideas and thoughts into realistic business ventures and develop a business plan for the same.

We also assist you in the registration of your company and the needful compliance which is needed by your business.

Legal Support

Need to get legal documents such as contracts and agreements, or looking for collaborative work under MOUs.

Or need an arbitrator to resolve conflicts in on-going operational partnerships.

We offer all forms of legal services for your enterprise protection and protect your liabilities.

Business Process Development

Running a business and not knowing what you are doing or where is your money going? Or is your business running in a haphazard manner?

Let us help you bring in systems, processes, and practices in your business; which shall give you more clarity and control in your business. Also, it shall enable you to track your progress and take corrective steps in reaching your vision.

Intellectual Property Management

Need a trademark for your business?

Or have you invented something which you think can be patented?

With our assistance, you can search if your business brand can be trademarked or not. Then if found applicable, then file for a trademark.

We also support you to find validity for patent by doing a background search and patent landscaping.

Mentoring and Support

Ever thought if you are capable of becoming an entrepreneur and start your business?

Have you started your business but not sure how to take it to the place you want?

 Let us help you by providing Career planning, Skills training, Project guidance and/or problem-solving for an individual’s career or within your company.


The strength of any organization is determined by the people who work in it. 

We provide training services in the domain of Soft skills, effective communication, corporate etiquette, team building, and organizational synergy.

Get In Touch

#449, 1st Floor, Opp. Hardwick School, JLB Road, Mysore -570005

+91 973 9694 201